I have seen "LOL" at the end of the conversation a lot.
I asked myself
"What does that stand for?"
But I could not ask for a long time. Because so many people use this mystery word "lol" so often and it looks like "common word" that everyone should know.
I thought it means,
"Lots of Love".
But as I read, many sentence end with LOL as "Lots of Love" does not make sense.
I really wondered,
"What is LOL ????"
I never thought of Googling it for some reason.
I finally asked people, and it stands for "Laugh Out Loud" !!!
I am so glad that I did not use without knowing the true meaning!!!
My friend told me the critical mistake that a lady made, because she also thought LOL means Lots of Love.
A family member passed away and everyone is saying, "condolences" etc, on facebook, and his mom posted,
"You will be missed, LOL."
Everyone was shocked! He called his mom and found out that she actually thought LOL meant "Lots of Love".
My mom always told me to laugh a lot and eat well to keep your health.
When is the last time you laugh out loud like my son does all the time ?
Click here to see the true laugh that makes you laugh ! |
Let's LOL everyone!!!
Lots of Love,
great blog Mari. I love reading your insights. They always make me smile and really take me into your stories. When I first started talking on the computer through messenger I didn't know what some of the lingo was either. There are still some that I don't understand. I remember having to ask and remember how to make the smilie face symbols and what it takes to make a heart <3 :)
Tamikko, thank you for your comment!
Oh, I did not know how to make a heart ! <3 is it!
I know how to make the smile "\(^v^)/" and sad face ...(;_;)...
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